Is Passion Overrated? Think again
My biggest fear then jumping off a building is losing out on my pursuit of passion. What if one day I no more feel passionate enough to do things I am passionate about? What if I stop craving for challenges or stop pushing or exploring my own limits.
Passion helps you to be focused, to be energized, to be motivated, and removes all the distractions comes your path. It helps you to develop your inner characteristics, gives you a sense of satisfaction, maintains your time, and balances your happiness. What if all this goes away one day suddenly? What will you do? What if no amount of support motivates you anymore? Scary isn’t it?
Sometimes these questions dwell heavily in my head. The fear of losing passion urged me to answer these questions before the time runs out. I started looking for alternative interests, developing my resume, scanning through old photos, read my previous articles to constantly stay focus on my path of pursuing a passion. This lockdown definitely helped me think over the solutions to these questions.
Frankly speaking when I read books of authors like Edmund Hillary, Sudha Murthy, Canon Doyle, Dan Brown. I feel how passionate they were/are with their work which made them do some extraordinary things in their life in return they are now praised. Definitely, they were/are in pursuit of their passion.
I myself have gained and done some stuff outside my own boundaries which I think I would have never done if I was not in search of my passion. Challenged my fears, strengthen my abilities, learned things out of my profile, and traveled beyond my vision. Though I feel satisfied with my pace, I have the fear that I might burn out my passion eventually and if I do so, what should I do?
I feel the answers to this question are not written anywhere but within myself. I need to change my perspective. There are millions of people who pursue their passion but only a few could make it their lifestyle.
What about others? Do they stop living? Do they stop dreaming? No, they don’t, in fact, they enjoy the perks of their hard work and move on. Concentrate their focus on other things or people in their life, although still staying focus on their dreams and passion. They are not distracted, they are widening their focus circle, and I feel it is called growing up.
Our life is connected to many other things and people which we don’t observe when we are too hooked up with our passion, but they are there even if you believe they are not. They are like stars, shedding their magnetic energy, and influencing your life. So, when you start losing out the energy of your pace, you will be maintained by this magnetic energy, keeping you still and balanced on your pace.
So, my personal suggestion to overcome the fear is staying connected with your loved ones, your friends, your hobbies, your books, your articles, and whatever you are fond of. Keep them close and try developing the bond stronger and stronger and keep learning ways in which you can upscale the relationship, in other words, widen your focus circle and stay disciplined because when you would start burning out your passion, you will still be left with trust and security from the other things of your life. Stay blessed.
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